Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"New" Evangelism and 6 week study materials...

I went to Seattle a week ago to visit Steve and then down to Tacoma to see Chad and Star. Great times.

I attended the teach in at the purple door. Excellent. I was intrigued by Jason Clark's comments to an attendee in the room. It was refreshing to hear his perspective on evangelism.

My summary. Consider this: We enter our conversations with the world this way = God has a story, here is my story on how I meet God, what is your story?

Conversely, "new" evangelism proceeds the other direction: What is your story? (Actively listening for connections of my story to their story and God's story already at work in their story); My story; God's story.

Listening is central to telling the good news which ever conversation practice you apply above. Good questions come out of actively listening to another's story. Great story tellers are good listeners and observers of life.

I was just on the Ooze and found the following resource. I'm not endorsing it. I can't. Not even sure I would use it, but you might. Here is the link. I am by the way and equal opportunity resource provider! Here is the link.... "I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt byVince Antonucci unearths the life Jesus lived and wants us to experience, challenging us to move past spiritual boredom into a faith that?s exciting, beautiful, and powerful. Check out www.lousytshirtbook.com and find free materials including videos, sample sermons, small group questions, and other creative ideas for a six week series.

Speaking of resources. Threads (Lifeways' Edgy material) has put out several studies of recent months: Jaded (Redescovering Hope in Reality) and Chase the Lion (stepping confidently into the unknown). Both are boxed leaders kits with six-sessions (six seems to be the magical #); member book; cd with guides, music, promotional stuff, etc. I also have several new studies on my desk from Serendipity (someone was cleaning office and mailed me a ton of stuff....sorry no evangy cubes!!!!). Please see above disclaimer!

That is all. Please resume to your normal, daily activities.

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