Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Rena's story

I wanted you to read this story from Rena. She serves in the Tri-cities area as our collegiate minister at CBC. It reveals some of her heart and passion for people. This story is representative of how she also loves the college students on her campus. Rena has a core group of about 35-40 college students who meet every Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. for worship. She has discipled numerous students and equipped them for ministry at CWU, EWU, WSU, etc. He influence is far reaching as the story below gives witness. Pray for Rena as she seeks to know God, follow Jesus and love the campus!

(RENA) A story which highlights ministry this month:

The story that I’m about to share really does not directly relate to a campus ministry highlight, but I believe it is a testimony of Gods power and sovereignty. If anything I pray this story will be an encouragement to campus ministers and other individuals. We truly never know when or if the Lord will allow us to see the fruits of our labor, but this is one time He has allowed me to see Him at work! Keep pressing on as you minister to students and others daily for we do not know who the Lord might put in our path. Make the most of every opportunity!
The Story….. Three years ago as I was traveling home to Mississippi for Christmas I met Dr. Felicity Warren on a flight from Salt Lake City, Utah to Atlanta, GA. From the time the plane took off until we landed the Lord allowed me 3-4 hours to share about His amazing Love. As the plane landed in Atlanta my conversation with Felicity ended with prayer and an invitation to accept Christ. With tears in her eyes as she left the plane she did not make a decision to accept Christ as her Savior. Before she left I did ask if I could keep in touch with her and she said yes. Over the Last 3 years I've continued to correspond only through email and letters/cards with Felicity. On occasion I've received brief updates on her life. Many times since that day on the plane, I've prayed for the Lord to send someone else into Felicity's path to share the gospel with her.
On January 1st of this New Year I sent a brief message to Felicity wishing her a Happy New Year. Hours later I came back to my computer and this is the Message I received from Felicity. "Happy New Year, May you have joy and prosperity in the New Year, love you. I have accepted Jesus Christ into my heart, Thank you for sending the message so many years ago on a plane. You are a messenger....What joy and peace that must bring, thanks for not giving up on me."- Felicity
The Lord has used this in my life this week to give me a renewed vision to share his amazing love with others. Let us all make the most of every opportunity daily, for we never know what the results may be.

An evangelistic story: (THE REST OF THE STORY)
The Lord has allowed me to use the above story to share His love with many people this month. I think because of the nature of this story people can’t help but see the hand of God orchestrating the events that have unfolded. I know the Lord is already using this Story in lives of people! How wonderful it is to be apart of Gods work…

The story goes on…..my curiosity got the best of me and I just wanted to know more about who shared more of God’s love with Felicity. To my surprise I was contacted by the friend that was with Felicity when she asked Christ into her life…..The rest of the story…. Rena, what a joy to share with you in the joy of Felicity's salvation. I have been praying for her and waiting on her salvation for about 5 years now.I am a pharmaceutical rep who calls on Felicity. I am suffering a divorce so we began to be single friends together.Through agape' love I have been able to see Felicity through the eyes of God.I've known that God wanted her but was careful in delivering the full gospel until the right time. I believed that this Christmas was that time and indeed it was. When I asked her if she wanted to receive Jesus as savior, she said with tearful eyes yes and we prayed together. (She repeated me).She is truly our prize. She immediately told me of her 4 hours on the plane with you.I knew God had sent you to prepare the way for me to follow up. She's never forgotten the day on the plane and is impressed that you have continued to reach out to her, maybe some day the three of us can meet up together.(before heaven).

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