Monday, February 26, 2007

NCM at the U of O

COLLEGIATE MINISTRIES REPORT •Loving God •Following Jesus •Serving the Campus
by Ryan Moore

I. A story which highlights ministry this month:

We took a ski day to Willamette Pass this month. I, and my son Z. went with 3 other guys to the mountain. We had a great time and experienced some good bonding. J. came with us – who is a freshman. I think he is going to be an anchor for our ministry in the next few years. I am thankful God has brought him to the U of O. He continues to share his faith and connect with people within our ministry. The skiing and snowboarding was fun, but more than that the deepening of relationships was great.

II. An evangelistic story:

This month, God has continued to encourage me with the number of students who are connecting with NCM who are not believers. There is a guy named B. (who I have mentioned sharing with before). He approached me on campus and asked if he could come to church with me. (and he did) Then there is H., who plays on the Tennis team. He is a great guy who has begun to come to church and have a desire to come to our Sunday night dinners. We (L. and I and our kids) have been inviting students over for dinner on Sunday nights to eat and hang out. J. has been bringing a friend A., who has expressed that she is not a believer, but is beginning to check things out. There are a few others who we have a relationship with and who we have been praying for. It is exciting to see so many non- believers get plugged in through relationships and begin to listen and discover who Christ is.

III. Ministry this month:

Work With College Students/Faculty & Staff
1. Administration (Organization, Enlistment, Promotion)
Staff meeting – Mondays 9-11 am; Leaders Meeting – Jan 22

2. Growth Activities (Bible Study, Worship, Fellowship, Churchmanship and Discipleship)
I meet with 8 guys for discipleship and mentoring; Bethany meets with one of the ladies; and we have 4 small groups that meet weekly. We gather for worship one Sunday a month at Early Rise ( a coffee shop), we went to the Mountain for a ski day, we celebrated on of our leaders weddings on the 27th.

3. Outreach (Evangelism, Ministry/ Social Action, Internationals, Missions)
Re:generation Live – our coffee house concert, Bethany has begun a walk around Eugene time on Fridays for internationals to come to and get to know the down town while talking and hanging out. We went to Food for Lane County, the Bosco House (a woman’s shelter) and volunteered on campus for the Assault Prevention Shuttle.

Work with Churches, Associations, & NWBC
1. Public Relations (communication, visiting, reporting, & recruiting)
Monthly report via e-mail.
Called Bill to schedule a time to have coffee and talk

2. Organizing and Training to Reach/Minister to Students
Doing some planning for the leadership summit in April.

IV. Professional/Spiritual Development (Books reading; conference attended ; internet resources enhancing ministry:

I have been reading Lewis and Clark lately and learning from their leadership and adventurous spirit. I read “Confessions of a Reformission Rev.”

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