Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What will you be known by?

As guide and teacher of the Good News of Jesus Christ on the campus through NCM, what do you want students, your disciples, to remember about their experience with NCM? What do you hope they know you by?

I was amused to read the article on Petey Crowder written by Aaron Harada, one of his students in the NW Baptist Witness (I'll try to post the whole story for you to read). Jon Gueber says this about Petey, "Petey is like a cow. He takes his time to digest what's going on around him, but always gives us enough meat to chew on throughout the week." This is probably not how Petey wants to be known for a lifetime -- I'm a COW. Petey, in the same article states what he does want to be known for, "I'm a person who wants to see the dream of Jesus lived out in my life, and in the lives around me. I don't think enough people realize that Jesus said life is about a lot more than going to church on Sunday and quitting some vices." That is something to be known for!

This year what does your focus need to be? This summer ASK God to speak to you and define for you this "thing." I hope you'll spend some time this summer answering this question: How would I train others to "learn from Jesus how to live their life as he (Jesus) would live it if he (Jesus) were they?" (Dallas Willard).

You might ask that same question of yourself: How would I train myself to "learn from Jesus how to live my life as he (Jesus) would live it if he were me?"


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