Thursday, June 29, 2006

Reports and Schedule

Good summer reports to me at NWBC (summer missionaries still need to report to NAMB)! Your first report will be due Oct. 10 (reporting for September and Calendar for October).

Your reports communicate several things: 1.) I want others to hear my story and the story of God at work in my life and the ministry; 2.) I want to be accountable to others. This is a choice I make to cooperate with others and allow others to encourage me and help me; 3) I want to Cooperate. I want to participate in the NCM community. I want to share my story to help others in their ministry. I'm committed to this.

The report won't change from this past year. I'll need a one page ministry report and a one page evangelism report in addition to the reporting of #'s and calendar. We rotate the one page reports throughout our collegiate ministry family. When it is your turn to report for the group, you will submit the full one page reports. During the other months I'll just need a paragraph for each area (ministry and evangelism).

Here is the schedule for the remainder of this year ('06):
SEPTEMBER: Steve Lewis and Ken Harmon (September reports and October calendar)
OCTOBER: James Sander and Rena Register (October reports and November calendar)
NOVEMBER: Arlette Coumbs and Petey Crowder
DECEMBER: Beth England and Rena Trim

Here's a website you might want to check out:

Happy 4th of July. July 4th is a paid holiday if you receive funds from the NWBC and JULY 3! Enjly the long weekend!

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