Wednesday, March 22, 2006

NCM Collegiate Conference April 21-22, 2006

Ap--ol--og--ia = A - N - S - W - E - R
displaying God to people by living among people as a community of hope!
Answers to the most common asked questions about the NCM Collegiate Conference:
What are the topics for the main sessions?
Session One - Scientific Discoveries that Point to an Intelligent Designer of the Universe and Life
Session Two - Is Christianity the One True Religion?
Session Three - Exploring the Da Vinci Code
Session Four - Sharing your Faith Using the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus

Will there be coffee? Not just coffee, but espresso. Rena Register's group will be serving the finest coffee brews you can get in the NW! All to raise $$$ for summer missionaries.

What is included in the Conference fee?
There is a tiered cost for the conference. $40/person; $35/person for 5 or more in your group; and $30/person for 10 or more in your group. A "group" is an individual campus or church. Conference fee includes two meals on Saturday (lunch and dinner) but does not include housing. See the housing options in the promotional material I e-mailed you earlier in the month.

Will James Sanders be there? Yes. This is your chance to talk to a really good person and a true rocket scientist.

Do I have to come? Yes. Otherwise we will send you spam mail everyday for the rest of the year and call you continuously on your cell phone asking you, "Can you hear me now?"

Will we commission our summer missionaries this year? Absolutely! Let's come ready to pray for them and send them from us to the nations!

This is just a sampling of the most commonly asked questions. If you have other questions, just give me a call!

Thanks for promoting this to your students and for all you do to love God, follow Jesus, and serve the campus! I look forward to being with you in April!


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